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Six people were injured in a collision between an ambulance and a car at the entrance to Leskovac

Rešetka 30.05.2024.

Six people were injured this morning in a collision between an ambulance and a car at the entrance to Leskovac from the direction of Vlasotince, near the “Bavka” hotel, confirmed to Rešetka in the Police Department and the Leskovac General Hospital.

As we were told, the ambulance transporting a teenager from Crna Trava to the Leskovac hospital collided with a car driven by a woman.

A 16-year-old boy and his father, as well as a doctor, a technician and a driver, were in the ambulance.

“Everyone is injured. At first glance, they have minor physical injuries, but the diagnosis is still ongoing, so I can’t say anything in detail”, says the director of the Leskovac General Hospital, Nebojša Dimitrijević.

The collision happened around 8 o’clock in the morning.

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