In media

Trial in Niš: Driver of “Yugo” confesses to killing the boy

Goran Stojanović (49), who killed boy Mihajlo Dumitru on the crosswalk of the Emperor Constantine Boulevard, confessed that the commited the crime.

Svedok ne govori istinu: Gafur i Nusreta Useinović sa advokatom Stojanovićem


The witness is not telling the truth: Gafur and Nusreta Useinović with lawyer Stojanović.

Yesterday during the trial in Niš he expressed regret for the tragedy and expressed his condolences to the family.

Nusreta Useinović, mother of the boy, whom the “Yugo” literally took out of her hands, declined his condolences, accusing him of lying and pretending in front of the court.


-I was driving towards Trošarina. My traffic lane was clear as was the road in front of my vehicle. Couple of meters in front of the crosswalk, in split of a second, a boy appeared, so I didn’t have time to react by braking. I ran out of the car, approached him and started giving him CPR. His mother ran over, started yelling: “You murdered my child!” She wanted me to move him out of the road, so I moved him over to the grass – said the accused Stojanović.

He said he was sorry for the tragedy that happened and that an innocent young boy was killed.

After being released from jail, he said he first went to the church, to light a candle and pray for Mihajlo. In that moment, he turned towards the crowd in which there were sited approximately fifty of the young boy’s family members and cousins.


-I’m sorry that the accident happened. I’m a family man, but due to the media’s writing and reporting, I’ve been painted as a soulless man and a murdered. I ask from God to forgive me – he said.

That offended the boy’s grandfather Gafur Useinović.

-Your acting is bad – he said from the crowd.

Nusreta added that she was also trying to help her son and accused Stojanović of “lying and acting”.

Mesto nesreće: Pešački prelaz na Bulevaru cara Konstantina

Place where the accident took place: Crosswalk of the Emperor Constantine Boulevard

-When we went to cross the street, I held my son’s hand and there weren’t any vehicles nearby. When we came by the end of the crosswalk my child disappeared, and I fell to the ground. I ran to him. I was trying to help him by myself, nobody wanted to help. I asked the driver if he realized what he had done, to which he responded by saying “I killed your child, so what” – said Nusreta.


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